Get 1 Magic Golf Move For Free Right Now
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This is the Most Proven Golf Improvement Product On The Internet!
I Wish Golf Had Been
Taught To Me In This
Simple Manner Several Years Ago. It Would
Have Taken
Out A Great Deal Of Frustration!"
From: David Walker []
Sent: 9 April 2007 18:01
To: Andy Anderson
Subject: Testimonial
Dear Andy,
I must admit that I was a bit skeptical of the 4 new magic moves. I teach Biology in the US and always need proof or evidence. I downloaded the free first four chapters and tried things out for myself. I had the opportunity to try things out this weekend and my results are amazing. I was hitting my 7 iron 200 yds without effort and my driver close to 300 yds. Most impressive was the direction the bal, it is traveling STRAIGHT. I wish golf had been taught to me in this simple manner several years ago. It would have taken out a great deal of frustration.
Thank you,
David Walker
Tonganoxie, Kansas, USA
"I Won By 8 Shots."
From: Roger Roach []
Sent: 16 January 2009 23:27
To: Andy Anderson
Subject: Testimonial
Dear Andy,
Hi there Andy, I played well this
morning. I hit two of my longest
drives ever.
On a long par 4 I left myself
an 8 iron from the green But then
went bang into a sand trap :-)
Not to worry though , I chipped
out to within five feet from the
flag and then missed the putt
(played it short but the line
was right). I got par on 3 of
my 9 holes and the rest were 1
I won by 8 shots.
On the ninth (par 4 dog leg to
the right) I went for the pin
on the drive and used my sand
wedge to chip onto the green.
That little trick you suggested
works wonders, I average two putts
from the edge of the green and
my chips are closer to the pin.
I practice the new four magic
moves every day, I am hitting
further and straighter each time
I play.
Roger Roach

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