Catch Natalie Gulbis and me chatting about golf

A short but sweet message to say you can catch me discussing golf on Twitter most days. Just sign up in a few seconds and click “follow” to catch my latest golf news and conversations.

Recently Natalie Gulbis joined Twitter and I believe many more professional golfers will also join in 2009.

I asked Natalie this question and she was kind enough to reply:

I predict Twitter will go mainstream in 2009 and probably get bought out by Google. Hats off to Natalie – communicating with her fan base via Twitter may just be the smartest marketing idea any professional golfer has ever done.



One Response to “Catch Natalie Gulbis and me chatting about golf”

  1. Lyall Davidson says:

    Wow! Andy! I don’t know how you can stand it! Interviewing beautiful young women and having to stick to golf! And having to to do this for a living! But may be you’re just being discreet….

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